Alchemy (2005) follows the story of Malcolm Downey, an absent-minded professor who invents a groundbreaking computer that can register human emotions. With the potential to revolutionize the academic world, Malcolm sees this invention as his ticket to tenure and success. However, as he delves deeper into the capabilities of the computer, he discovers the complexities and ethical implications of capturing emotions.
As Malcolm navigates the challenges that come with his invention, he must confront his own emotions and those of others around him. The film explores themes of science, ethics, and the impact of technology on human emotion. Through Malcolm's journey, viewers are taken on a thought-provoking and captivating ride filled with twists and turns.
Alchemy (2005) is a riveting tale that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness the power of technology and the depths of human emotion. With stellar performances and a thought-provoking storyline, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Also Known As:
AlchemyRelease Date:
25 Apr 2005Writers:
Evan OppenheimerAwards:
1 nomination