In the 1997 thriller Funny Games, a family's peaceful vacation takes a sinister turn when they are taken hostage by two ruthless young men. These perpetrators subject the family to a series of twisted and sadistic games that they must play in order to survive. The captors derive pleasure from the family's suffering, adding a chilling element to their torment. As the family struggles to outwit their tormentors and escape their nightmare, tension and suspense build to a thrilling crescendo.
The film delves into themes of power, control, and the depths of human depravity, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as the twisted games unfold. With a gripping storyline and intense performances, Funny Games is a psychological thriller that will leave a lasting impact on those who dare to watch. Prepare to be captivated and horrified in equal measure as the family fights for survival in the face of pure evil. Funny Games is a gripping and suspenseful rollercoaster ride that will keep viewers guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Funny GamesRelease Date:
11 Mar 1998Writers:
Michael HanekeAwards:
5 wins & 9 nominations