In the acclaimed movie Smärtpunkten (2024-), renowned playwright Lars Norén receives a letter from inmate Carl at Tidaholmsanstalten expressing interest in collaborating on Norén's texts. Along with a few other inmates, they aim to work on a unique theater piece where the three long-term violent criminals will portray themselves. Lars Norén, alongside his producer Isa Stenberg, sees the potential for a groundbreaking new play titled Sju tre to emerge from this collaboration. However, what starts with good intentions soon spirals into horrifying consequences as the boundaries between reality and fiction blur on and off the stage.
As the play takes shape, tensions rise among the inmates, revealing deeper layers of their troubled pasts and the psychological toll of their actions. Smärtpunkten delves into the complexities of human nature, the transformative power of art, and the fine line between catharsis and tragedy. Ultimately, the play's production leads to unforeseen and devastating outcomes for all involved. Discover the gripping tale that unfolds in Smärtpunkten (2024-) as it explores the limits of redemption and the consequences of confronting one's darkest demons.