Suck (2009) is a hilarious comedy that follows a struggling rock 'n' roll band as they navigate the ups and downs of the music industry in their quest for fame. The band, aptly named The Winners, consists of a group of quirky and eclectic characters who will stop at nothing to achieve their elusive dream of stardom. As they encounter eccentric record executives, eccentric groupies, and unexpected challenges, the band must come together and rely on their friendship and music to persevere. With a blend of humor, drama, and rock 'n' roll flair, Suck takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride through the highs and lows of the music business. Filled with memorable characters, catchy tunes, and laugh-out-loud moments, this film is sure to entertain music lovers and comedy fans alike. Don't miss out on this fun and energetic film that captures the essence of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle.
Also Known As:
SuckRelease Date:
05 Feb 2011Writers:
Rob StefaniukAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations