In the charming 1964 film The Moon-Spinners, viewers are transported to the picturesque island of Crete, where a young woman embarks on a vacation filled with romance and mystery. As she explores the stunning landscapes of the island, she becomes entangled in a thrilling search for stolen jewels, leading her to uncover secrets and face danger at every turn.
The film beautifully captures the allure of Crete, with its breathtaking scenery and intriguing local customs. Against this rich backdrop, the protagonist finds herself drawn into a web of deceit and suspense, testing her courage and resolve as she navigates treacherous waters.
The Moon-Spinners is a classic tale of adventure and intrigue, with twists and turns that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Filled with romance, suspense, and stunning visuals, this film is a must-watch for anyone looking for a captivating story set in a beautiful location.
Also Known As:
The Moon-SpinnersRelease Date:
08 Jul 1964Writers:
Michael Dyne, Mary Stewart