In the comedy film Weak Layers (2023), three close friends with a passion for partying embark on an exciting journey as they enter a ski-movie competition. The trio aims to showcase their skiing skills and wild adventures on the slopes while challenging the male-dominated ski industry. Amidst hilarious mishaps and unexpected obstacles, the friends navigate through the competitive world of skiing, testing their friendship and determination along the way.
As they face various challenges and hilarious situations, audiences are taken on a rollercoaster ride filled with laughs and heartwarming moments. Weak Layers sheds light on the thrill-seeking and adventurous side of skiing, capturing the essence of friendship, competition, and female empowerment in a male-dominated sport.
With a perfect blend of comedy and adventure, Weak Layers offers a fresh and entertaining take on the ski movie genre, appealing to audiences of all ages. Join the fun-loving trio as they carve their way through the snow-covered slopes in this uproarious comedy that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Weak LayersRelease Date:
05 Jan 2024Writers:
Katie Burrell, Andrew Ladd