In the animated film The Great Mouse Detective (1986), viewers are introduced to Basil, a brilliant mouse detective who plays the role of Sherlock Holmes in this intriguing mystery adventure. When a toy maker is kidnapped, Basil takes on the case and soon discovers a connection between the abduction and his longtime adversary, Professor Ratigan. As Basil delves deeper into the case, he navigates a world of danger and deception in order to solve the mystery and bring the villainous Ratigan to justice.
With stunning animation and a cast of lovable characters, The Great Mouse Detective delivers a thrilling and suspenseful story that will captivate audiences of all ages. Filled with action, humor, and heartwarming moments, this classic animated film is sure to entertain and enchant viewers from start to finish. Join Basil on his detective journey as he uses his keen intellect and deductive skills to unravel the mystery and save the day in this timeless tale of courage and friendship.
Also Known As:
The Great Mouse DetectiveRelease Date:
02 Jul 1986Writers:
Peter Young, Vance Gerry, Steve HulettAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations