In the comedic film Ricky Stanicky (2024), viewers are taken on a hilarious journey following three friends who create an imaginary character named Ricky Stanicky to cover up a prank that went awry during their youth. As time passes, the trio continues to rely on Ricky as their go-to excuse for any misdeeds or immature antics they find themselves involved in.
Set twenty years after the initial prank, the friends are still utilizing Ricky as a handy alibi, despite never having met or seen him. As their lives become increasingly tangled in lies and deception, they must confront the consequences of their actions and finally come clean about the truth behind Ricky Stanicky.
Filled with laugh-out-loud moments and heartwarming lessons about friendship and honesty, Ricky Stanicky is a must-watch comedy that will keep viewers entertained from start to finish. Join the trio on their wild ride as they navigate the complexities of adulthood while dealing with the repercussions of a childhood prank that spiraled out of control.
Also Known As:
Ricky StanickyRelease Date:
07 Mar 2024Writers:
Jeffrey Bushell, Brian Jarvis, Jim Freeman