Set in 1998, Amparo follows the story of a dedicated single mother named Amparo, who frantically steps up to navigate the perilous landscape of Colombia in a desperate attempt to rescue her teenage son. The plot unfolds as Amparo's son is unexpectedly drafted into the Colombian army and subsequently deployed, leaving her in a state of distress and urgency to secure his safe return.
Navigating through a war-torn country and facing numerous obstacles along the way, Amparo showcases tremendous strength and resilience as she embarks on a journey filled with danger and uncertainty. As she unravels the challenges placed before her, Amparo's determination to reunite with her son propels the narrative forward, creating a gripping and emotional tale of a mother's unconditional love and unwavering commitment to her family.
Amparo serves as a poignant and gripping exploration of the sacrifices made by individuals caught in the turmoil of conflict and the lengths to which a mother will go to protect her child. With its intense storyline and powerful performances, this film delivers a heartfelt and unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
AmparoRelease Date:
28 Apr 2022Writers:
Simón Mesa SotoAwards:
13 wins & 16 nominations