In Moonlight and Valentino (1995), a young widow named Rebecca is struggling to cope with the sudden loss of her husband, who died in a car accident. As she navigates her grief and attempts to move on with her life, she finds unexpected solace in the form of a local house painter named Moonlight. Moonlight's presence and empathy help Rebecca navigate her emotions and confront her anxieties, leading to a deeper understanding of herself and her relationship with her late husband. Alongside her sisters Lucy and Alberta, Rebecca embarks on a journey of healing and self-discovery, finding comfort in their shared experiences and strengthening their bond as sisters. The film explores themes of grief, love, and sisterhood, offering a poignant and heartfelt portrayal of loss and resilience. Moonlight and Valentino is a touching and emotional drama that highlights the power of connection and the healing process in times of darkness.
Also Known As:
Moonlight and ValentinoRelease Date:
29 Sep 1995Writers:
Ellen Simon