Spring Lakes (2023) follows Marcus, a struggling filmmaker on a quest to find his missing sister. As he delves into the mysterious town of Spring Lakes, he discovers a dark secret lurking beneath the surface - a Satanic Cult. With eerie happenings unfolding around him, Marcus must navigate through the town's sinister forces to rescue his sister before it's too late.
As Marcus digs deeper into the town's dark past, he is faced with twisted rituals and encounters with the cult members that leave him questioning his own reality. With every clue he uncovers, Marcus becomes more entangled in the web of secrets that Spring Lakes holds.
Will Marcus be able to unravel the truth behind the Satanic Cult and save his sister, or will he become another victim of the town's malevolent forces? Spring Lakes is a gripping thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Marcus on his harrowing journey into darkness.
Also Known As:
Spring LakesRelease Date:
25 Aug 2023Writers:
Charmaine Binji, David Lamont, Ranjeet S. MarwaAwards:
7 nominations