In the upbeat comedy Serving Sara (2002), a process server finds himself on a wild adventure as he attempts to serve legal papers to a difficult target. Set in the vibrant backdrop of Texas, the film follows the journey of the determined process server and his attempts to serve Sara Moore, a woman who proves to be quite elusive. As he battles against the odds and encounters numerous obstacles, he quickly realizes that the job may be more challenging than he initially anticipated.
Filled with humorous moments and unexpected twists, Serving Sara takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as the process server navigates through various comedic escapades in his pursuit of completing his challenging task. The film offers a fresh and comedic take on the world of process serving, blending elements of humor and adventure to keep audiences entertained from start to finish.
Join the process server on his hilarious quest in Serving Sara, as he faces obstacles and unexpected situations while trying to serve the elusive Sara Moore.
Also Known As:
Serving SaraRelease Date:
23 Aug 2002Writers:
Jay Scherick, David Ronn