Plunkett & Macleane, a thrilling crime-comedy film, follows the escapades of two audacious robbers who find themselves relentlessly pursued by both the law and corrupt enforcers. Set in 18th century England, this action-packed adventure takes viewers on a wild ride through a world filled with treachery and deception.
The film explores the lives of gentlemen-outlaws, Plunkett and Macleane, whose daring heists and charismatic personalities make them infamous figures amongst the public. However, the law catches up with them, and their criminal activities become even riskier. As they struggle to evade capture, they encounter an array of characters — some loyal companions, others treacherous foes.
Plunkett & Macleane brilliantly captures the spirit of the time, showcasing the decadence and corruption that permeates society. The protagonists find themselves at odds with not only the law, but also with its own immoral enforcers, who are sometimes even worse than the criminals they are pursuing.
This enthralling film, with its remarkable blend of action, humor, and romance, offers a captivating cinematic experience. Plunkett & Macleane presents a thought-provoking exploration of the moral ambiguity that often exists in a society governed by greed and power.
Embark on a riveting journey with Plunkett & Macleane as they navigate the treacherous landscape of 18th century England. Will they manage to outwit their pursuers and secure their freedom? Find out in this thrilling crime-comedy that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Also Known As:
Plunkett & MacleaneRelease Date:
01 Oct 1999Writers:
Selwyn Roberts, Robert Wade, Neal Purvis