In the intense action thriller Point Break (1991), an ambitious FBI agent named Johnny Utah goes undercover in Los Angeles to infiltrate a group of daring surfers suspected of being bank robbers. As Utah becomes immersed in the adrenaline-fueled world of his targets, he forms a deep bond with the charismatic leader of the gang, Bodhi, who believes in seeking the ultimate rush and living life to the fullest.
As Utah gains the trust of the tight-knit surfing community, he uncovers clues that link the surfers to a string of daring heists. His obsession with catching these thrill-seeking criminals becomes personal, and the line between friendship and duty becomes blurred.
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, Point Break showcases breathtaking surfing scenes and exhilarating action sequences, taking viewers on a pulse-pounding journey that explores the seductive allure of danger. The film combines the beauty of nature and the thrill of extreme sports with the cat-and-mouse dynamics between Utah and Bodhi.
Starring Patrick Swayze as the enigmatic Bodhi and Keanu Reeves as the determined Johnny Utah, Point Break is a cult classic known for its captivating performances, breathtaking stunts, and thought-provoking exploration of the human desire for adrenaline and freedom. Brace yourself for an adrenaline rush as you dive into the world of surfers turned criminals in this iconic 90s action flick.
Also Known As:
Point BreakRelease Date:
12 Jul 1991Writers:
Rick King, W. Peter IliffAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations