David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived is an inspiring coming-of-age documentary that chronicles the extraordinary journey and unbreakable bond of Daniel Radcliffe, the renowned actor, and his dedicated stunt double, David Holmes. This heartwarming film explores their friendship that stands strong even in the face of a life-altering accident.
Through personal interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and heartfelt anecdotes, viewers are given an intimate look at the incredible world of filmmaking and the immense physical demands placed on stunt performers. Witness the passion, dedication, and sheer bravery exhibited by both Radcliffe and Holmes as they bring the beloved character of Harry Potter to life on the big screen.
However, the narrative takes a dramatic turn when Holmes suffers a life-changing accident on set. This event puts their friendship to the test, as Radcliffe grapples with guilt and the weight of responsibility while Holmes embarks on a challenging journey of recovery.
David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived beautifully captures the resilience of the human spirit, delving into themes of friendship, determination, and the power of overcoming adversity. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength that can be found in genuine connections and the indomitable will of the human soul.
This remarkable documentary is a must-watch for fans of Daniel Radcliffe, lovers of film, and anyone seeking an inspiring story of friendship and triumph in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
David Holmes: The Boy Who LivedRelease Date:
15 Nov 2023