Mr. Mom (1983) is a heartwarming comedy that follows the story of Jack Butler, a hardworking husband who finds himself unexpectedly laid off. With no other option, Jack agrees to switch roles with his wife Caroline, who decides to reenter the workforce. This results in a charming role reversal as Jack must navigate the challenges of becoming a stay-at-home dad and taking care of their three young children, a role he has no experience or knowledge in.
As Jack dives headfirst into his new responsibilities, hilarious and chaotic situations ensue. From attempting to juggle the daily routines needed to keep the household running smoothly to dealing with a flurry of mishaps, Jack's journey as a stay-at-home dad is filled with both comedic moments and heartfelt lessons.
Throughout the film, Jack faces numerous obstacles that test his patience, parenting skills, and his ability to adapt to this new reality. As the story unfolds, he begins to uncover hidden talents and discovers a newfound appreciation for the hard work and dedication required of his wife.
Mr. Mom is a relatable and endearing film that explores the dynamics of gender roles, the challenges of parenthood, and the importance of family. With its blend of humor, heart, and memorable performances, this classic '80s comedy is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Mr. MomRelease Date:
19 Aug 1983Writers:
John HughesAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination