Polish Prayers is a gripping and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the world of Antek, a young man who grows up in a deeply religious and right-wing family in present-day Poland. Catholicism, nationalism, and celibacy are the pillars that shape his worldview. Filmmaker Hanka Nobis closely follows Antek and his group of friends known as the Brotherhood for over four years, giving viewers an intimate glimpse into their lives.
Throughout the documentary, Antek leads the Brotherhood in survival camps and protests against LGBTQ+ pride. Despite his staunch beliefs, Antek also exhibits a curiosity about the world beyond his own and, in particular, about women.
This powerful documentary examines the dichotomy between Antek's devotion to his faith and his desire to explore the outside world. It delves into complex themes of identity, religion, and the clash between tradition and progress.
Polish Prayers offers a raw and unfiltered look at contemporary Poland, its social and political climate, and the challenges faced by young people who navigate the intersection of religion, nationalism, and personal freedom. The film provokes reflection and raises important questions about the role of religion in society and the influence it can have on individual lives. Prepare to be captivated by this eye-opening exploration of faith, culture, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment.
Also Known As:
Polish PrayersRelease Date:
14 Nov 2022Writers:
Hana Nobis, Esther van MesselAwards:
3 nominations