In A Time Called You, a heartwrenching and emotionally charged film, we follow the journey of a woman who finds herself transported through time, where she encounters a man who bears an uncanny resemblance to her deceased love. Directed by a master storyteller, this captivating movie explores themes of love, grief, and the unbreakable bond that transcends time.
Set in 1998, the film introduces us to our protagonist, a grieving woman who experiences a mysterious and magical phenomenon that thrusts her back in time. As she navigates this unfamiliar era, she stumbles upon a man who not only shares a striking resemblance to her late love, but also possesses a similar charm and spirit. Intrigued and desperate to connect with her lost love once again, she embarks on a poignant journey of self-discovery and love, delving into the complexities of relationships and fate.
Exquisitely crafted and evocatively shot, A Time Called You seamlessly weaves together the past and present, delivering a thought-provoking narrative that explores the power of love and the resiliency of the human spirit. Anchored by powerful performances and a compelling storyline, this film promises to leave audiences completely engrossed and deeply moved.
Experience the magic of A Time Called You as it takes you on a heartfelt journey through time, offering a poignant reflection on life's most profound emotions.
Also Known As:
A Time Called YouRelease Date:
08 Sep 2023