Richie Rich is a heartwarming family comedy from 1994 that follows the adventures of Richie Rich, the world's richest kid. Despite his immense wealth, Richie craves a normal, happy family life. However, when a villainous plot puts his family in jeopardy, Richie must use his intelligence and resourcefulness to outsmart the culprits and save the day.
The movie showcases the extravagant lifestyle of the Rich family, including their enormous mansion and and outlandish gadgets. Richie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich, deeply love their son but struggle to find the right balance between work and family. On the other hand, Richie's trusty butler and best friend, Cadbury, offers guidance and support, teaching Richie the importance of loyalty and friendship.
As the plot unfolds, Richie's family becomes the target of an inside job, threatening their safety and fortune. Determined to protect his loved ones, Richie embarks on a thrilling adventure to expose the culprits and bring them to justice. Along the way, he befriends some unlikely allies who help him in his mission.
Richie Rich is a delightful film that combines humor, action, and heartwarming moments. This charming story will captivate viewers of all ages, reminding them that true wealth lies in the bonds we share with our loved ones.
Also Known As:
Richie RichRelease Date:
21 Dec 1994Writers:
Neil Tolkin, Tom S. Parker, Jim JenneweinAwards:
3 nominations