In the action-packed comedy Midnight Run, a skilled bounty hunter named Jack Walsh embarks on a thrilling mission to capture a former Mafia accountant named Jonathan The Duke Mardukas. However, Jack soon realizes that capturing The Duke won't be an easy task, as he is also being pursued by rival bounty hunter Marvin, the F.B.I., and his vengeful old mob boss.
With his reputation on the line and a hefty reward at stake, Jack must navigate through a series of zany encounters, high-speed chases, and hilarious mishaps to bring The Duke back to justice. As the chase intensifies, Jack and The Duke form an unlikely bond that challenges their own loyalties and perspectives.
Directed by Martin Brest, Midnight Run is a timeless action-comedy that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats while delivering an abundance of laughs. The film features outstanding performances by Robert De Niro as the determined and quick-witted Jack Walsh, and Charles Grodin as the mild-mannered yet enigmatic Jonathan Mardukas. The chemistry between the two leads is undeniably entertaining, resulting in an engaging and heartwarming action-comedy.
Packed with thrilling chase sequences, witty dialogue, and unexpected twists, Midnight Run is a must-watch for fans of fast-paced comedies. Prepare for an exhilarating ride that will leave you in stitches from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Midnight RunRelease Date:
20 Jul 1988Writers:
George GalloAwards:
2 wins & 4 nominations