Set in the modern Shura City, The Green Snake revolves around Verta, a green snake-demon, on a quest to rescue her elder sister, Blanca, from the demon-slaying monk Fahai. However, Verta must overcome various obstacles as she navigates the mortal world without her demonic powers. This enchanting fantasy film explores themes of sisterhood, love, and the clash between the supernatural and human realms.
The movie unfolds against the backdrop of a bustling metropolis, where Verta encounters colorful characters and struggles to blend in with humans while concealing her true identity. Along the way, she befriends a young artist named Sean, who becomes her ally in the fight against Fahai and his anti-demonic campaign.
As Verta faces increasing danger and pressure, she must find a way to harness her inner strength and intelligence to outsmart Fahai and save her sister. With stunning visual effects and captivating storytelling, The Green Snake takes audiences on a thrilling adventure through the city's vibrant streets and hidden mystical realms.
This film combines elements of classic folklore and modern storytelling, creating a unique and engaging experience for viewers of all ages. The Green Snake is a must-watch for fans of fantasy films, offering a fresh perspective on the age-old battle between good and evil in a contemporary context.
Also Known As:
The Green SnakeRelease Date:
13 Aug 2021