Duck, You Sucker! is a gripping and action-packed film set during the Mexican Revolution. The story follows Juan Miranda, a cunning and unpredictable bandit, and John Mallory, an ex-IRA explosives expert. Their unlikely alliance leads them to rebel against the corrupt government, transforming them into unexpected heroes.
The film, directed by Sergio Leone, masterfully weaves together moments of intense violence with a deep exploration of its characters and their motivations. The relationship between Juan and John is complex, with both men initially distrustful of each other but gradually forming a genuine bond. As they join forces, their acts of resistance spark a larger movement against the oppressive regime, making them pivotal figures in the Mexican Revolution.
Filled with Leone's signature visual style and evocative cinematography, Duck, You Sucker! showcases breathtaking landscapes and meticulously crafted set pieces. The film's soundtrack, composed by Ennio Morricone, further enhances the viewing experience, heightening the tension and emotion of every scene.
Although it is an action film at heart, Duck, You Sucker! delves into themes of revolution, loyalty, and the price of violence. It is a thrilling and thought-provoking journey that explores the complexities of power and the moral choices individuals face during times of rebellion.
With its compelling characters, intense action sequences, and compelling storytelling, Duck, You Sucker! is a must-watch for fans of Sergio Leone's work and anyone seeking a gripping tale of revolution and heroism.
Also Known As:
Giù la testaRelease Date:
07 Jul 1972Writers:
Sergio Leone, Sergio Donati, Luciano VincenzoniAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations