In the heartwarming sports comedy 80 for Brady, a group of lifelong friends embark on a remarkable journey to achieve their ultimate dream: attending the Super Bowl and meeting their idol, NFL superstar Tom Brady. With a mix of humor, friendship, and determination, the film follows the group's hilarious misadventures as they navigate various obstacles in pursuit of their goal.
The movie, set against the backdrop of the NFL season, captures the spirit of camaraderie and the power of unwavering ambition. As these friends support each other in their quest, they learn valuable life lessons and discover what truly matters in their lives.
80 for Brady not only showcases the fervor and excitement of being a sports fan but also explores the enduring bonds of friendship. The film strikes a balance between lighthearted comedy and heartfelt moments, offering a touching narrative that resonates with audiences of all ages.
With a stellar cast that includes talented comedic actors and cameos from real-life NFL stars, 80 for Brady delivers an entertaining and captivating experience. From unexpected encounters to uproarious mishaps, the movie keeps viewers engaged while highlighting the power of shared dreams and the joys of friendship.
Join these determined friends on their extraordinary journey as they embark on an unforgettable adventure to fulfill their lifelong dream of meeting the legendary Tom Brady at the Super Bowl.
Also Known As:
80 for BradyRelease Date:
03 Feb 2023Writers:
Emily Halpern, Sarah HaskinsAwards:
2 wins