Valiant is an animated comedy film set during World War II. The story revolves around a courageous young wood pigeon named Valiant, who decides to join the elite Royal Homing Pigeon Service to help in the war effort. As Germany's General Von Talon and his squadron of falcons pose a deadly threat, it is up to Valiant and his fellow pigeons to ensure the safety of their country.
Throughout the movie, Valiant faces various challenges and tests his bravery and loyalty. He forms strong bonds with a group of misfit pigeons, each with their unique personalities and skills. Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to deliver critical information to Allied forces across the English Channel.
Valiant's journey is filled with thrilling aerial battles, moments of humor, and a heartwarming message of heroism and friendship. The film also features a talented voice cast, including Ewan McGregor as Valiant and Tim Curry as General Von Talon.
Valiant is an entertaining and accessible film that blends history with comedy, appealing to viewers of all ages. Its animation is visually stunning, capturing the beauty of the English countryside and the intensity of the war. Ultimately, Valiant's determination and bravery serve as an inspiring reminder of the heroes that emerged during one of history's darkest periods.
Also Known As:
ValiantRelease Date:
19 Aug 2005Writers:
George Webster, Jordan Katz, George MelrodAwards:
2 nominations