Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 film directed by Robert Zemeckis. Set in 1947, the story unfolds in a world where animated characters, known as toons, coexist with humans. The protagonist, a private detective named Eddie Valiant, is enlisted by Roger Rabbit, a famous toon accused of murder. Valiant must navigate a web of deceit, danger, and conspiracy to help Roger clear his name.
The movie combines live-action and animation, creating a unique visual experience. Well-known cartoon characters from different franchises make appearances, making it a delightful treat for both adults and children. The film also offers a nostalgic glimpse into the golden age of animation, cleverly blending the real and animated worlds.
The plot is a thrilling mix of mystery, comedy, and adventure, as Valiant embarks on a journey to uncover the truth and protect innocent toons from a sinister plot. With his determination and cunning, Valiant unearths shocking secrets that challenge the balance between toons and humans.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a must-watch film that successfully combines genres, creating a captivating story suitable for all ages. Its innovative use of animation and live-action sets it apart, making it a beloved classic that has stood the test of time.
Also Known As:
Who Framed Roger RabbitRelease Date:
22 Jun 1988Writers:
Gary K. Wolf, Jeffrey Price, Peter S. SeamanAwards:
Won 3 Oscars. 24 wins & 22 nominations total