In the heart-pounding action film Submerged (2005), follow the thrilling journey of Chris Kody, an elite mercenary who finds himself facing a dangerous mission after his release from prison. Kody, known as the best mercenary in the world, must now put his lethal weapons and impeccable fighting skills to the test as he confronts a group of ruthless terrorists who have seized control of a nuclear submarine.
As Kody dives into this desperate battle against time, he must outsmart and defeat the terrorists before they unleash chaos and destruction upon the world. Along the way, he faces countless obstacles, intense firefights, and heart-stopping moments of suspense as he maneuvers through the tight confines of the sub.
Directed by Anthony Hickox and starring Steven Seagal as Chris Kody, Submerged delivers non-stop thrills, adrenaline-pumping action sequences, and a gripping storyline that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With state-of-the-art special effects and stunning cinematography, the film immerses viewers in the deep sea battlegrounds where Kody faces off against the terrorists, showcasing the dire consequences if he fails to stop them.
Prepare for an action-packed ride as Kody fights to save the world and stay alive in this high-stakes battle on the open seas. Will he successfully dismantle the terrorists' plot and save the submarine, or will he be overwhelmed by the relentless forces against him?
Also Known As:
SubmergedRelease Date:
23 Jun 2005Writers:
Anthony Hickox, Paul de Souza