Three Wishes for Cinderella is a captivating and enchanting modern adaptation of the classic Cinderella tale. Set against the backdrop of a snow-filled forest, the film follows a courageous heroine as she strives to overcome the obstacles placed in her path by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters.
With stunning visuals and breathtaking archery sequences, Three Wishes for Cinderella takes viewers on a magical journey filled with suspense and romance. The film beautifully captures both the beauty of the natural surroundings and the opulence of the palace ball where Cinderella hopes to meet her true love, the handsome prince.
Throughout the story, Cinderella's determination and resilience shine through as she pursues her dreams and fights for a better life. Audiences will be captivated by her strength and grace as she navigates the challenges thrown her way.
Three Wishes for Cinderella offers a fresh and invigorating take on the timeless fairy tale. It's a heartwarming and uplifting film that reminds viewers of the power of hope, love, and the belief that dreams can come true.
Be sure to join Cinderella on this magical and unforgettable journey where she discovers the importance of staying true to oneself, defying expectations, and finding happiness against all odds.
Also Known As:
Tre Notter Til AskepottRelease Date:
12 Nov 2021Writers:
Anna Bache-Wiig, Karsten Fullu, Kamilla KrogsveenAwards:
2 wins & 2 nominations