Amphibia (2019–2022) is an animated series that follows the extraordinary journey of 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy. One day, Anne stumbles upon a magical music box that transports her to a vibrant and fantastical realm called Amphibia. In this mysterious world, she encounters a variety of interesting creatures, including frogs, toads, and giant insects.
With the assistance of a young and energetic frog named Sprig, Anne must learn to adapt to the peculiarities of life in Amphibia. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures and face various challenges that test their friendship. As Anne navigates this unfamiliar world, she also strives to find her place and develop her first true friendship.
Amphibia is filled with heartwarming moments as Anne discovers the importance of trust, loyalty, and self-discovery. This captivating series explores themes of resilience, adaptability, and the transformative power of friendship. Delightful animation and carefully crafted characters bring this imaginative world to life, captivating viewers of all ages.
Join Anne and Sprig on their extraordinary journey as they navigate the whimsical landscapes of Amphibia and unravel the secrets that lie within. Amphibia is a heartfelt and enchanting series that will leave audiences entertained and inspired.
Also Known As:
AmphibiaRelease Date:
14 Jun 2019Writers:
Matt BralyAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations