In the heartwarming holiday film A Christmas Arrangement (2018), follow the delightful journey of a determined flower shop owner who enters the local Holiday Floral Show with hopes of winning a cash prize to save her struggling business. Faced with the challenge of creating the most breathtaking arrangement, she soon develops unexpected feelings for one of her fellow competitors.
Amidst the cheery atmosphere of the festive season, our protagonist finds herself torn between her duty to her business and her blossoming romance. As she becomes increasingly captivated by her rival, she must navigate the delicate balance between professional rivalry and personal desires.
Set against a backdrop of elegant floral arrangements and heartwarming decorations, A Christmas Arrangement explores themes of love, perseverance, and the magic of the holiday season. As she navigates the competition and discovers her true feelings, our protagonist learns the importance of staying true to herself and following her heart.
With its enchanting storyline, stunning visuals, and a touch of Christmas magic, A Christmas Arrangement is the perfect film to cozy up to this holiday season. Will she find love and success, or will the challenges prove too difficult? Tune in to this delightful movie to find out!
Also Known As:
A Christmas ArrangementRelease Date:
21 Nov 2018Writers:
Alison Spuck McNeeley, Casie Tabanou