The Net 2.0 is a gripping thriller that follows the life of a young computer systems analyst named Hope Cassidy. After Hope arrives in Istanbul for a promising new job, her life takes a dark turn as she discovers that her credit cards are useless, her bank account is empty, and her entire identity has been stolen. Stranded in a foreign country with no resources, Hope embarks on a dangerous journey to reclaim her life.
As she delves deeper into the mystery, Hope uncovers a vast cybercrime network that is not only threatening her existence but also the security of nations. With her every move monitored by a manipulative hacker, she must rely on her wit and resourcefulness to expose the truth and confront her adversaries.
Combining heart-pounding action with an intelligent storyline, The Net 2.0 keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness Hope's battle against unseen enemies in a digital world where reality merges with deception. Directed by Charles Winkler and featuring a talented ensemble cast, this thrilling sequel explores the vulnerability of our interconnected lives in an age of technological advancement.
The Net 2.0 serves as a cautionary tale that reminds us of the potential dangers lurking behind the screens we rely on every day. Prepare for a thrilling rollercoaster ride through the perilous world of cybercrime as Hope fights to reclaim her stolen identity and restore her life.
Also Known As:
The Net 2.0Release Date:
15 Feb 2006Writers:
Rob Cowan, John Brancato (characters), Michael Ferris (characters)