In the gripping Hungarian film A Pásztor (2019), set in 1944, viewers are introduced to an elderly shepherd living alone on a remote ranch. Haunted by the loss of his daughter at the hands of the Nazis, the shepherd resolves to forge a path of resistance and compassion. Overwhelmed by grief, he embarks on a mission to save as many Jewish lives as he can.
This powerful and stirring film delves into the extraordinary bravery and selflessness of ordinary people during one of history's darkest chapters. In a world plagued by hatred and violence, the shepherd emerges as an unexpected hero. With each life he saves, he defies the oppressive forces that seek to extinguish hope and humanity.
Set against the backdrop of war-torn Hungary, A Pásztor is a poignant exploration of the indomitable spirit of resistance and the enduring strength of the human spirit. Through its captivating storytelling and remarkable performances, this film shines a light on the lengths one person will go to in order to make a difference.
From heart-wrenching moments to uplifting triumphs, A Pásztor takes audiences on an emotional journey of sacrifice and redemption. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a reminder of the power of compassion in the face of unimaginable tragedy. Witness the journey of a shepherd who becomes a symbol of hope in a shattered world.
Also Known As:
The ShepherdRelease Date:
01 Feb 2022Writers:
László IllésAwards:
30 wins & 7 nominations