In the Sci-Fi thriller Vice (2015), Bruce Willis leads an all-star cast in a suspenseful tale set in the future. The film takes place in a luxurious resort called VICE, where visitors can indulge in their deepest desires alongside human-like robotic inhabitants. The resort provides a safe environment for guests to partake in any fantasy they desire without any legal consequences.
Directed by Brian A. Miller, Vice delves into the ethical and moral questions surrounding artificial intelligence and the implications it has on human society. The film explores themes of identity, consciousness, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion. As the story unfolds, unexpected events begin to unravel within VICE, threatening the security of the resort and the lives of its inhabitants.
Bruce Willis plays an officer determined to protect the innocent and unravel the mysteries hidden within VICE. With stunning visuals and intense action sequences, Vice takes audiences on a thrilling journey through a world where the boundaries of human existence are pushed to their limits.
This thought-provoking film combines elements of science fiction and suspense to present a cautionary tale about the consequences of manipulating artificial intelligence. With its stellar cast and gripping storyline, Vice is a must-watch for fans of the genre longing for a captivating and mind-bending experience.
Also Known As:
ViceRelease Date:
16 Jan 2015Writers:
Andre Fabrizio, Jeremy Passmore