The Valet (2022) is a charming romantic comedy set in Beverly Hills. The film revolves around a renowned movie star who finds herself in a sticky situation when she needs someone to pose as her lover. To navigate the prying eyes of the public and protect her relationship with a married man, she enlists the help of a parking valet at a fancy restaurant.
The valet, played by an endearing and hilarious actor, agrees to step into the role of her fake boyfriend. As they dive deeper into their pretend relationship, unexpected twists and turns add humor and delight to their journey. The charismatic duo faces various challenges as they strive to maintain their charade, bringing laughter and romance to the screen.
With a star-studded cast and picturesque Beverly Hills backdrop, The Valet offers a blend of wit, romance, and entertaining escapades. Audiences will be captivated by the chemistry between the lead characters, their humorous interactions, and how they navigate the ever-escalating complications of their fake relationship. This delightful comedy promises to deliver heartwarming moments and plenty of laughs, making it the perfect choice to unwind and enjoy with loved ones.
Also Known As:
The ValetRelease Date:
20 May 2022Writers:
Bob Fisher, Rob Greenberg, Francis Veber