The Odessa File (1974) is a gripping thriller based on the best-selling novel by Frederick Forsyth. Set in Germany in 1963, the story follows Peter Miller, a young journalist, who comes across the diary of an elderly Jewish man who recently committed suicide. Intrigued by its contents, Peter embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth behind the man's death.
The diary reveals a shocking revelation: a former S.S. Captain, known for his brutal acts at a concentration camp during World War II, is rumored to be alive and hiding in Germany. Determined to expose this war criminal, Peter finds himself embroiled in a web of conspiracy and danger.
As he delves deeper into the investigation, Peter discovers the existence of the secret organization called 'Odessa,' which is dedicated to protecting Nazi war criminals from prosecution. With his life on the line, Peter must navigate through a treacherous maze of deceit, risking everything to bring justice to those responsible for the atrocities committed during the war.
Directed by Ronald Neame, The Odessa File is a taut and suspenseful thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With stellar performances by Jon Voight and Maximilian Schell, this film explores themes of guilt, justice, and the haunting legacy of the Holocaust. Don't miss this gripping movie that unravels the secrets of a deadly conspiracy.
Also Known As:
The Odessa FileRelease Date:
18 Oct 1974Writers:
Frederick Forsyth, Kenneth Ross, George Markstein