In Pursuit (2022), viewers are thrown into a high-octane thrill ride as Detective Breslin finds himself entangled with Calloway, a skilled hacker determined to rescue his wife from the clutches of a dangerous drug cartel. The suspenseful story takes an unexpected turn when Calloway manages to escape police custody, leading Breslin to team up with a tough-as-nails police officer in a race against time to free his imprisoned partner.
As the plot unfolds, the movie delves deeper into the dangerous world of crime and the lengths to which individuals are willing to go to protect the ones they love. With heart-pounding action sequences and unexpected twists, Pursuit keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, building anticipation for the ultimate showdown between justice and revenge.
Featuring a dynamic blend of intense performances and compelling storytelling, Pursuit offers a thrilling cinematic experience. The movie's seamless combination of detective work, technological expertise, and gritty action scenes creates a captivating narrative that appeals to fans of crime thrillers. With its well-executed suspense and intricate plot, Pursuit promises to keep viewers riveted until the very end.
Also Known As:
PursuitRelease Date:
18 Feb 2022Writers:
Dawn Bursteen, Ben Fiore, Brian Skiba