Yearly Departed is a hilarious comedy special that pays tribute to the year 2020 with a lineup of talented female comedians. In this unique and witty show, they deliver eulogies for various aspects of the year that we have lost.
These fearless comedians cover a range of topics, from the mundane to the outrageous, providing a fresh and irreverent perspective on the events and experiences of 2020. From casual sex to beige Band-Aids, no subject is off-limits as they delve into the many things we bid farewell to in this unforgettable year.
Each comedian brings their own unique style and comedic chops to the stage, ensuring a variety of laugh-out-loud moments throughout the special. With their sharp wit and clever observations, they expertly capture the essence of the year and provide a much-needed release from the challenges and hardships we've faced.
Yearly Departed promises to be a hilarious and cathartic experience, allowing viewers to reflect on the year that was and find humor in even the darkest moments. Whether you're looking for a good laugh or simply need a break from reality, this comedy special is sure to entertain and uplift. Get ready for an unforgettable comedy experience as these talented women give 2020 the send-off it deserves.
Also Known As:
Yearly DepartedRelease Date:
30 Dec 2020Writers:
Karen Chee, Akilah Green, Franchesca RamseyAwards:
2 nominations