Last Looks is a gripping and thrilling crime drama that follows the story of a disgraced ex-cop who retreats to a peaceful life in the woods after a traumatic incident. However, his tranquil existence is abruptly disrupted when a private investigator approaches him with a new case – a murder that needs to be solved.
As the ex-cop reluctantly delves into the investigation, he finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and dangers that threaten to unveil his own troubled past. The plot unravels with twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the complex maze of motives and suspects.
This character-driven film explores themes of redemption, justice, and the struggle to leave one's past behind. With exceptional performances from the cast, including the ex-cop played by a celebrated actor, the movie showcases the emotional journey of a man seeking solace while being pulled back into the world he once knew.
Last Looks blends elements of detective noir with a psychological thriller, creating an intense and atmospheric viewing experience. With stunning cinematography capturing the beauty and isolation of the woods, viewers are immersed in the haunting ambiance of the story.
Get ready for a suspenseful ride and join the ex-cop as he tries to untangle the mystery behind the murder in Last Looks.
Also Known As:
Last LooksRelease Date:
06 Nov 2020Writers:
Howard Michael Gould