Vicky and Her Mystery (2021) is a heartwarming family film that follows the journey of Victoria, an 8-year-old girl who recently lost her mother. In order to start afresh, Victoria and her father move to a serene mountain village. Amidst her grief and adjustment to a new life, Victoria discovers solace in the most unexpected way — by adopting a mysterious puppy she finds at an isolated farm.
This adorable puppy becomes Victoria's source of comfort and companionship, bringing light into her life. However, the origins of the puppy remain unknown, adding a layer of intrigue to the story. As Victoria bonds with her new furry friend, she begins to unravel the mystery surrounding the puppy's past.
The film beautifully captures Victoria's emotional journey as she navigates the challenges of loss and builds new connections in her life. It portrays the power of love, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit, especially in the face of adversity.
Vicky and Her Mystery is a touching and uplifting tale that will appeal to audiences of all ages. With its heartfelt storytelling and charming characters, this film will warm hearts and remind viewers of the transformative power of love and the joy that can be found in unexpected places.
Also Known As:
MystèreRelease Date:
15 Dec 2021Writers:
Denis Imbert, Mathieu Oullion, Rémi Sappe