In the heartwarming film Bogus (1996), a recently orphaned young boy finds solace in his godmother, who becomes his guardian. Little do they know, they are about to embark on a magical journey. As their bond grows stronger, a surprise awaits them both: his godmother can actually see the boy's imaginary friend, a charismatic French magician named Bogus.
As the boy and Bogus spend their days together, they create a world full of wonder and magic. Bogus uses his enchanting tricks to both entertain and teach valuable life lessons to the young boy, fostering his growth and resilience during this difficult time. With every illusion and sleight of hand, Bogus brings fun and imagination into their lives.
But as they navigate the challenges of their new reality, they are faced with a devastating truth that puts their relationship to the test. Together, they must uncover the strength within themselves to overcome obstacles and find the real magic hidden in their connection.
Directed by Norman Jewison, Bogus is a heartwarming tale filled with poignant moments and delightful comedic interludes. This family-friendly film offers a perfect blend of fantasy and reality, as the characters navigate loss, love, and the power of imagination. Join the young boy and Bogus on their journey, and discover the true meaning of family and friendship in this enchanting story.
Also Known As:
BogusRelease Date:
06 Sep 1996Writers:
Jeff Rothberg, Francis X. McCarthy Jr., Alvin SargentAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations