South of Heaven is a heartfelt drama film that follows the story of Jimmy, a former convict who is granted early parole after spending twelve years in prison for armed robbery. Determined to make the most of his newfound freedom, Jimmy sets out to fulfill a promise he made to his childhood love, Annie, who is currently battling cancer. He is determined to give Annie the best and most memorable year of her life.
As the plot unfolds, Jimmy faces numerous challenges and obstacles that test his resolve. He finds himself caught between the temptations of his past life and the responsibility he feels towards Annie. With each passing day, Jimmy learns valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and redemption.
South of Heaven delves deep into the complexities of human relationships and the importance of making the most of life's precious moments. The film unfolds at a captivating pace, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they root for Jimmy to succeed in his mission.
Featuring powerful performances and a touching storyline, South of Heaven is a poignant exploration of second chances and the enduring power of love. This emotional rollercoaster will leave audiences reflecting on their own lives and appreciating the value of every single moment.
Also Known As:
South of HeavenRelease Date:
08 Oct 2021Writers:
Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado, Kai Mark