Envision (2021) is a thought-provoking and emotional film that follows the journey of Thomas, a man whose life was shattered after losing his wife and son. However, everything changes when Thomas undergoes a groundbreaking surgery and receives a life-altering implant that enables him to create his own virtual reality experience in real-time.
In this immersive and captivating story, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride as Thomas explores the limitless possibilities of his newfound power. He is able to shape and control his own virtual world, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Through this incredible technology, Thomas tries to find solace and meaning in the wake of his deep personal loss.
Envision presents an intriguing exploration of the human psyche and the lengths one will go to escape pain and grief. The film delves into profound themes of love, loss, and the human condition, provoking viewers to question the nature of reality and the ethics surrounding such advanced technology.
With its stunning visuals and emotionally-driven narrative, Envision offers a unique cinematic experience that will leave audiences captivated and pondering the fragility of human existence. This film acts as a powerful reminder of the complexities of life and the importance of cherishing our connections with others. Get ready to embark on a mind-bending journey of self-discovery in Envision.
Also Known As:
EnvisionRelease Date:
16 Apr 2021Writers:
Greg Galloway