I Am Vengeance: Retaliation (2020) follows the story of John Gold, a former special-forces soldier seeking justice against Sean Teague, the man who betrayed his team during their last mission in Eastern Europe. Gold's burning desire to see Teague dead is replaced with the task of transporting him to a military prison to pay for his crimes.
As Gold embarks on this dangerous journey, he finds himself facing numerous obstacles. Teague's team relentlessly tries to extract him, leaving Gold to fight them off and ensure Teague's safe passage. Additionally, an unknown sniper emerges, determined to eliminate Teague before he can be secured.
This action-packed film immerses viewers in a suspenseful and thrilling experience as they join Gold in his quest for retribution. With adrenaline-fueled combat sequences and intense moments of pursuit, I Am Vengeance: Retaliation keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, wondering who will emerge victorious and how the story will unfold.
Fans of the action genre will appreciate the film's intricate plot, complex characters, and gripping performances. Directed by Ross Boyask and starring Stu Bennett, I Am Vengeance: Retaliation delivers a thrilling and entertaining experience from start to finish.