Ratched (2020-) is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the origin story of the notorious Nurse Ratched from the classic novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Set in the mid-20th century, the series follows the journey of Mildred Ratched, a young nurse who harbors dark secrets and a hidden agenda when she arrives at a mental institution.
As the series progresses, Ratched's transformation from a seemingly composed nurse to a cruel and calculating monster becomes apparent. The pressures of her job and encounters with unique patients push her to the brink of sanity, revealing her complex motivations and the darkness that lies within her.
Led by Sarah Paulson's mesmerizing performance as Nurse Ratched, the series explores themes of power, manipulation, and corruption within the mental health system. With its visually stunning cinematography, tense atmosphere, and nuanced character development, Ratched hooks viewers with its gripping storytelling and unpredictable twists.
Ratched successfully captures the essence of the original novel, while also offering a fresh and contemporary take on the character. With its riveting plot and expertly executed performances, this thrilling series is a must-watch for fans of psychological dramas and those seeking a chilling journey into the mind of one of literature's most notorious characters.
Also Known As:
RatchedRelease Date:
18 Sep 2020Writers:
Evan Romansky, Ryan Murphy