Set in Denmark during World War II, Into the Darkness is a gripping drama that explores the complexities of family relationships amidst the backdrop of the German occupation. The story centers around a Danish industrialist, played by Jesper Christensen, who willingly collaborates with the German forces and seeks to profit from the occupation. However, his decisions and actions force his family members to be divided, with some choosing to resist the Germans, while others align themselves with the German cause.
The film delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the family as they navigate the difficult choices presented to them during this turbulent time. It portrays the internal struggle between loyalty to one's country and the desire for self-preservation, as well as the consequences that arise from such decisions.
Into the Darkness sheds light on the personal sacrifices made by individuals torn between loyalty, survival, and the greater good. Its intense storytelling and emotionally charged performances provide an immersive experience that transports viewers into the heart of the war-torn era.
This Danish film offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition during one of the darkest chapters in history. With its intricate character dynamics and compelling narrative, Into the Darkness is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of deeply personal dramas.
Also Known As:
Into the DarknessRelease Date:
09 Jan 2020Writers:
Flemming Quist Møller, Anders Refn