Howard is a compelling and emotional documentary that tells the story of Howard Ashman, a talented songwriter who tragically passed away in 1991 during the peak of the AIDS crisis. Ashman is best known for his collaboration with composer Alan Menken on iconic songs from beloved Disney films such as Little Shop of Horrors, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast.
Through a mix of archival footage and interviews with friends, colleagues, and family members, Howard provides a heartfelt and intimate portrait of a man who shaped the landscape of musical theater and animation. The documentary delves into Ashman's creative process, showcasing his immense talent for crafting memorable and emotional lyrics that brought characters to life.
The film also delves into the personal struggles Ashman faced as he battled with his own health and the stigma surrounding AIDS during the time. Despite his deteriorating health, Ashman remained dedicated to his work until the very end, leaving behind a lasting legacy that continues to touch the hearts of millions.
Howard is a poignant tribute to an incredibly talented artist whose impact on the entertainment industry cannot be overstated. It serves as a reminder of the human stories behind the art and the importance of celebrating the contributions of individuals like Howard Ashman.
Through a mix of archival footage and interviews with friends, colleagues, and family members, Howard provides a heartfelt and intimate portrait of a man who shaped the landscape of musical theater and animation. The documentary delves into Ashman's creative process, showcasing his immense talent for crafting memorable and emotional lyrics that brought characters to life.
The film also delves into the personal struggles Ashman faced as he battled with his own health and the stigma surrounding AIDS during the time. Despite his deteriorating health, Ashman remained dedicated to his work until the very end, leaving behind a lasting legacy that continues to touch the hearts of millions.
Howard is a poignant tribute to an incredibly talented artist whose impact on the entertainment industry cannot be overstated. It serves as a reminder of the human stories behind the art and the importance of celebrating the contributions of individuals like Howard Ashman.