In the heartwarming film, The Sunlit Night, viewers are transported between the bustling streets of New York City and the picturesque landscapes of the far north of Norway. The story revolves around two unlikely individuals, American painter Frances and émigré Yasha, who unexpectedly cross paths in the Arctic circle. Frances lands in Norway with hopes of reigniting her artistic career, while Yasha arrives to lay his father to rest in the ancestral land of the Vikings.
United by their shared experiences and a sun that never fully sets, Frances and Yasha embark on a journey of self-discovery, leaving behind their painful pasts and uncovering a future filled with unexpected surprises. As they navigate the beauty of the Norwegian countryside, they also stumble upon a newfound family connection they never imagined existed.
The Sunlit Night is a heartwarming and poignant exploration of love, loss, and the power of human connection. The film showcases the transformative power of embracing unfamiliar environments and cultures, and how these experiences can shape our identities and relationships.
With stunning cinematography capturing the ethereal beauty of both New York City and the Norwegian landscape, viewers will be captivated by the visual tapestry painted across the screen. Paired with a heartfelt and emotionally-driven storyline, The Sunlit Night is a must-watch for those yearning for a soul-stirring cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The Sunlit NightRelease Date:
26 Jan 2019Writers:
Rebecca Dinerstein (screenplay by), Rebecca Dinerstein (based on the novel by)Awards:
1 nomination.