Personal Effects is a heartfelt and emotional drama that tells the story of a young man named Walter, who works as a wrestler and takes up odd jobs on the side. At a group therapy session for families of murder victims, he crosses paths with a woman named Linda, who is twenty years his senior and has recently lost her sister and husband.
As Walter and Linda spend more time together, a strong bond develops between them. Walter finds himself becoming a positive influence in Linda's life, particularly when it comes to helping her deaf teenage son, Clay. Linda is grateful for Walter's support and even invites him to various family events, including weddings.
Amidst their growing friendship, Walter and Linda find themselves caught up in the anticipation of the murder trials for Linda's sister and husband. This shared investigation brings them even closer together as they wait for justice to be served.
Personal Effects is a film that explores the themes of grief, healing, and the power of human connection. It delves into the complexities of relationships and showcases the strength and resilience of individuals who have experienced loss. The movie offers an introspective and emotional journey that will resonate with viewers, reminding them of the importance of compassion and understanding.
Also Known As:
Personal EffectsRelease Date:
27 Mar 2009Writers:
David Hollander, Rick MoodyAwards:
1 nomination