In Diecisiete (2019), a heartwarming Spanish film, a 17-year-old boy named Héctor, who is in a juvenile detention center, goes on a remarkable journey to find his beloved shelter dog. Determined to reunite with his furry friend, Héctor plans an escape from the confines of the center. But he doesn't embark on this mission alone. His older brother Ismael, who has recently been released from prison, joins him in his quest.
The movie follows the two brothers as they venture through the stunning landscapes of northern Spain, meeting various people along the way who help them or hinder their progress. As they encounter challenges and unexpected obstacles, their bond grows stronger, and they learn valuable lessons about life, forgiveness, and the power of unconditional love.
Diecisiete is a touching story that explores themes of redemption and second chances. The film beautifully depicts the Spanish countryside, providing a visually captivating backdrop for the brothers' adventure. With its engaging storyline and compelling performances, Diecisiete is sure to capture the hearts of viewers of all ages.
This heartwarming film is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates stories about the enduring power of family bonds and the resilience of the human spirit.
Also Known As:
SeventeenRelease Date:
18 Oct 2019Writers:
Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, Araceli SánchezAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations.