In the near future, the movie Ghost in the Shell (2017) follows Major Mira Killian, a unique individual who is the first of her kind. After surviving a horrific accident, she is saved by a groundbreaking procedure that transforms her into a cyber-enhanced soldier. With her new abilities, Major becomes a crucial member of Section 9, an elite task force focused on combating the world's most dangerous criminals.
Set in a futuristic world heavily reliant on technology, Ghost in the Shell delves into themes of humanity and identity. As Major embarks on her mission to stop a notorious hacker known as Kuze, she starts questioning her own existence and the true nature of her memories. Joined by her team, including the loyal Batou and the enigmatic Chief Aramaki, Major unravels a complex web of conspiracy that threatens society as a whole.
Featuring breathtaking visuals and intense action sequences, the movie offers a visually stunning experience. It explores the blurred lines between man and machine, raising questions about the essence of being human in an increasingly technologically advanced world. Ghost in the Shell combines elements of science fiction, cyberpunk, and philosophy to create a thought-provoking and gripping narrative.
With its compelling storyline, iconic characters, and thought-provoking themes, Ghost in the Shell (2017) is a must-watch for fans of the sci-fi genre.
Also Known As:
Ghost in the ShellRelease Date:
31 Mar 2017Writers:
Shirow Masamune (based on the comic "The Ghost in the Shell" by), Jamie Moss (screenplay by), William Wheeler (screenplay by), Ehren Kruger (screenplay by)Awards:
1 win & 6 nominations.