Sufat Chol (2016) is a powerful and thought-provoking film that follows the lives of two Bedouin women as they attempt to challenge the deeply ingrained traditions and rules that govern their lives. The film begins with Layla, a young woman who dreams of becoming the first female driver in her conservative Bedouin community. However, her aspirations are met with resistance and hostility from her family and community members who believe that a woman's place is solely in the home. As Layla fights against the prejudices and discrimination she faces, her cousin Nura is also experiencing her own struggles within the confines of their patriarchal society. Nura's husband has taken a second wife, a devastating blow to her already fragile sense of self and worth. Both Layla and Nura must confront the limitations imposed upon them by tradition and find the strength to challenge and change the unchangeable. Through their individual journeys, the film explores themes of female empowerment, gender equality, and the resilience of the human spirit. Sufat Chol is a moving and compelling film that sheds light on the struggles of women in traditional societies, and their determination to break free and forge their own paths.
Also Known As:
Sand StormRelease Date:
15 Sep 2016Writers:
Elite Zexer (screenplay)Awards:
15 wins & 19 nominations.